Love Poems Signal Dump / Downtime / Dinner / Diagnosticbagamajik / Vampires / Amplify/ Text / Synthetic Intelligence Electric Dreams / For / Polymorphous Proxies / Algorythmic Objectivity / Ethereum / Future Beautiful / Oneness and the Machine Gaze / Text / Coloured Spaces Pink Milk / Yellow Snow / Brown Sugar/ Text / Aliens Dank Anomaly / Decension /λόγος : The LOGOI // Image / Race Quiet Little Paki / Koh-I_Noor / Jap Naam / Enlightenment / Synchronized Muddy Waters / Bleep / One / Two / Six / Electrotuning / Mind Control / Alpha / Alpha 08 / Hypnogogia / Intentionality / AI&ML / Origins / Intransit Fourier Transforms / Cinema 1 : Plastic Faeces / Invasian : Were taking over / Musicals / Natty and the Rebelship / Zoon Van Snook / DJ Tubbs / Matthew Herbert / Colonization / Colonies / The Waltzing Shadow / Death of a Salesman / Paper Provenance
Micro Stages
Hidden in Plain Sight | Terraforming as a Requisite | Taking Drakness into the Light | Replace Theri God with Our God, Then Replace Our God with Me | If This is a Planet of Life, Why are People Dying Here | Their are Other Worlds They Have Not Told You Of | Born to War | They Travelled the Spaceways From Planet to Planet | Cosmological Egg | The Pit | Arrival of the Death Cults | The Tree of Life | The Forest | Under the Shadow of a Darker Sun, Light Holds Me | Searching for Shambala's Gateway
Infra Thin | Hallucination | Telepathy | The Wait | Somatic Markers | Collective Consciousness | Hospitalised | Tantra | Quadrophonic | Swarm | Cyclical | Relentless | Recieve Amplify Transmit |
Front Lines / Encroach / Devour / Front Line / Sustenance / Stealth Creep / Slice / Growbags / Archetype Insertions / Matilda 1.0 / Secret Black Technology / Solo Myth Arkestra /