The Path to Enlightenment is littered with Beige Stilettoes (2017)
There is a researcher whose name has been on the tip of my tongue for the last 6 months. He spent his time watching bugs looking for the foundational motivations in all life forms. He found that apart from times of requiring nourishment, that all the bugs consistently engaged in play and playful behaviour. He proposed that Play as a form of creativity is our natural state.
As this went against western doctrines of domination, he had his funding cut and was disbarred from the Science community. Maybe science isn't as objective as it is made out to be, maybe the science we hear of is the science that gets funded as it fits in with a certain narrative.
This piece of hand-drawn work with direct reference to Indian minature painting, is a meditation on energy. When one raises ones energy frequencies, others sense those high frequencies and one can become a strange attractor to all kinds of things.
As this went against western doctrines of domination, he had his funding cut and was disbarred from the Science community. Maybe science isn't as objective as it is made out to be, maybe the science we hear of is the science that gets funded as it fits in with a certain narrative.
This piece of hand-drawn work with direct reference to Indian minature painting, is a meditation on energy. When one raises ones energy frequencies, others sense those high frequencies and one can become a strange attractor to all kinds of things.