Coloured Spaces.
This collection of works began with a consideration of the term 'Exoticism'. It started by thinking about the 'Great White Saviour Syndrome'. My personal favourite has always been the 'Saving the precious princess from the savages' routine. It lead me to thinking about how we each Exoticise particular cultural forms. These days there's a Yoga Center next to the bookie and the offie on every high street parade, sprouting capitalistic spirituality. I find it quiet offensive at times, especially the youtube stuff. Some of it is so off point.
I thought about the cultural forms I Exoticise. East Asian literature; Graphic Novels; the odd Anime; and Product Design. I do like the normalised interwining of the everyday with the spiritual and technological realms. Growing up as a Sikh multiple realities was a given. I think East Asian fonts always draw me in, They are something new to me.
These works were all freestyled and each responded to a piece of 'Exoticised' music, and colour temperature. I followed the first idea I had, and let it unravel naturally.
I thought about the cultural forms I Exoticise. East Asian literature; Graphic Novels; the odd Anime; and Product Design. I do like the normalised interwining of the everyday with the spiritual and technological realms. Growing up as a Sikh multiple realities was a given. I think East Asian fonts always draw me in, They are something new to me.
These works were all freestyled and each responded to a piece of 'Exoticised' music, and colour temperature. I followed the first idea I had, and let it unravel naturally.