Inquiry & Resolve : The Milami Theory of Everything.
Inquiry and Resolve .
Part One : The First Movement.
With this paper I'm proposing, that here today on the 21st March 2006, a cold cloudy Tuesday morning at precisely 12.25 pm, that as i type myself into my laptop, near the window of my flat, in my Brixton, my London, my Europe, my planet Earth, in my place in space that;
having considered information from the various strands of knowledge gained from 36 years of phenomenological and reflective encoding and processing, that as a whole organism of reasonably good self organization, and therefore of self-authority to make such a proposal; as to propose that ;
Intention*, movement*, sound*, vibration*, friction*, bio-organisms*, memory*, consciousness*, all cycles* and forms*, and please pause to consider what i'm saying here, all demonstrate properties of Inquiry and Resolve. Let me try and clarify this, Its quite simple.
I am suggesting all the aforementioned phenomena* are superpositions of Inquiry. That the above phenomena (*) , their energy, their memory, their emergence are superpositions of an initial Inquiry. If for a moment we consider the Initial Inquiry as a drift from a balance point, we can see that this Inquiry requires a further secondary condition to undrift it, to reattain its balance, thus Inquiry requires an Resolve. Maybe we can elucidate this through an example.. lets clarify this for ourselves through the consideration of a movement. As Krishnamurti would say,"let's really go into this", lets look for insight that may generate resolve.
Lets take a bodily movement, Lets take the example of a hand reaching out into the world in order to perceive it. We can see it as a grasp out into the world, an Inquiry, but the hand in grasp cannot stay out in the world in this condition, to continue its grasp it requires a continual source of energy to sustain it. So by some methodology it must either back out of its grasp, or generate a form of sustenance, for if it does neither it will diminish like a deterministic ghost in the machine through the depletion of its resources. The principle of the conservation of energy [1] confirms the tendency towards energy conservation, which supports the above principle of laconicity. The system that makes an Inquiry, is programmed through the history of its survival, thus conservation is an ingrained feature, and is echoed in all further inquiry.
Part Two : The First Movement
Just so we are clear lets press reset;
We have a balance point, from which a drift (Inquiry) is made. For the inquiry to continue, it requires further energy. We have established this. One solution is for the Inquiry to find a method of returning to its apriori condition of balance. Lets look around and see what we may find.
Wisdom,, information, all avenues of knowledge from western chemistry to eastern esoterics, in different but exactly the same way all acknowledge a phenomena known as the Loop. So lets bring in loop and consider if it plays a role in this 'Theory of Everything'. Because if Inquiry is as proposed here , the implicate, it must have enfolded within it every possible explicate superposition , loop must be infolded within the Inquiry process from which it emerges.
We can see that loop has the potential of allowing inquiry to return to it original position, which permits further inquiries to be considered. The first Inquiry, which generated all superpositions to follow, may have consisted of a multiple and simultaneous trail and error process. Of all the possible superpositions the one action which created Resolve by allowing Inquiry to return to it source, with the possibility of further Inquiry , was a cyclic Loop
So lets Condense and move on;
Inquiry generated Resolve through the action of loop, knowing it was the best superposition and collapsed into that process, creating a channel for all forthcoming Inquiries. In the process of finding resolve it created cyclic infinity, creating the potentiality for all other superpositions to also experience infinity. What this reveals is two forms of infinity of both stillness and movement. Further their is the laconic energy law, which states that no energy is ever lost it is only transformed.
Perception, reception, reproduction, social systems, eco systems, solar systems, all demonstrate properties of loop, and thus here claims are made that Inquiry and resolve are the universal fundamentals and therefore must leave their trace upon or be generators of loop. Through considering this we can assess if Inquiry is an apriori.
Iteration, self-similarity, bifurcation, strange attractors, are equal to ' Complexity and Collapse'' ; repetitious systems, systems of loop. Chaos Theory is the mathematical reinterpretation of the Hindu Wisdom of Reincarnation, where the final condition of loop effect the initial conditions of the next loop. This is known as a feedback loop. So what we now have is a situation whereby Inquiry returning to its original source brings with it a generated emergent phenomena known as acceleration, so when it arrives at the original point it can continue further 'grasping' infinitely.
An everyday contempoary example of this feedback phenomena which resonates through our physical world is the process of light. If we consider this fundamental process which allows life to exist, we can see it is the interactive feedback loop of Magnetism and Electricity which traverse in 90 degree phase space, where they collide a further condition emerges electromagnetism ; light, which travels at 186,000 miles per second, which at our scale of orientation delivers a form of omnipresence.
To conclude we have tried to hold a thought that considers all the above thoughts as a moving interconnected singularity. But now were moving, how do we stop.
I hereby conclude my 1st proposal of Inquiry & Resolve as fundamental properties in the search for the Theory of Everything. You the reader are free to challenge my theory without using any form of Inquiry & Resolve.
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