Siddhi Collection.
Siddhis are Occult/ Supernatural powers that become available to human beings through advanced meditative practices. By accessing extended spaces beyond our common perceptions, we can begin to harmonise with true natural processes. The Sikh Siddhis comprise of various abilities including telepathy, teleportation, reanimation, and manifestation. Whilst these remarkable powers are reminiscent of antiquity, they are cited as mere distractions on the path to the true goal of realisation, evolution, and rememberance.
Siddhis are Occult/ Supernatural powers that become available to human beings through advanced meditative practices. By accessing extended spaces beyond our common perceptions, we can begin to harmonise with true natural processes. The Sikh Siddhis comprise of various abilities including telepathy, teleportation, reanimation, and manifestation. Whilst these remarkable powers are reminiscent of antiquity, they are cited as mere distractions on the path to the true goal of realisation, evolution, and rememberance.
Wall Work
I have always used the streets as a form of sketchbooking to work through ideas and guage contexts This is slowly becoming replaced by using social/web spacea to place and test images to gain a similar quick public objectivity.